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63 photos

Photography of the historic city of Antigua, Guatemala, adjacent villages and Lake Atitlan. Antigua was the Spanish Colonial capital for 200 years prior to the eathquake of 1773. The capital was then moved to what is now Guatemala City. A visit to Tikal in Eastern Guatemala is also an incredible experience.
AntiguaAntiguaAntiguaAntiguaAntiguaAntiguaAntiguaAntiguaAntiguaAntiguaCathedral de SantiagoCathedral de SantiagoAntiguaAntiguaAntiguaAntiguaAntiguaAntiguaAntiguaAntigua

Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory:Places of Interest
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:antigua, guatemala, santa catalina, cerro del la cruz, la merced, cathedral de santiago, antigua photography, lake atitlan photography

Guestbook for Guatemala; Antigua, Lake Atitlan and Tikal
Robert Salomon(non-registered)
This is a magnificent website. Its access is superb and the images are works of art.
Jeanette Miller(non-registered)
Wow - absolutely incredible work !
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